Funding Partners


We can help guide you through the process of considering possible funding options for your child’s ABA services such as health insurance or various federal, state, and county sources. Please contact us at the numbers below and we will be happy to assist.

West Coast Intake Coordinator
Lin Huie
Phone: (310) 410-4450 (Ext. 107)

Midwest Intake Coordinator
Lara Derksen
Phone: (612) 925-8365

East Coast Intake Coordinator
Lin Huie
Phone: (856) 616-9442 (Ext. 107)

Health Insurance Eligibility Form

Let us help you determine your child’s eligibility for insurance coverage of intensive ABA treatment. Click here to download the Health Insurance Eligibility Form. Fax your completed form to our Intake Coordinator and we will schedule a time to contact you.

Links to other websites

The following are some sites we have found helpful in our research about insurance funding. Please also feel free to contact us: [email protected] if you have questions and would like to discuss treatment options.